Thursday, September 18, 2008

Marauder's Map, and a Question

About 2 years ago, Chip and I did some evangelism. I now remember where we went, one of the streets I went down, today. There's a house with 2 apple trees. It's a good year for apples, apparently, honey bee decline notwithstanding. Anyhoo, Chip and I passed that house 2 years ago, and I took an apple. He was shocked or amused and I said something like pastors get a 5-finger discount.

Some houses down, we were on a porch and there was some beer. Chip asked if we got a 5-finger discount there, too.

Ok, so the apple tree is big time heavy with fruit.

And those few doors down, there is still beer on the porch. I guess we DO live in a good neighborhood-- you can leave beer out on the porch.

Then I meet a Mormon family. After they said they were Mormon, I said, "We believe very different things about salvation. One of us is wrong. You should look into which one of us is right, and not just accept things blindly."

Question: was that too much to say? If so, when is it appropriate to say something like that? and back to a question from almost last year, Is Jesus, as believed by orthodox Christianity, the only way to salvation?


the roz said...

The question is if we are big enough dumb animals to do it even if we don't see it work immediately. Everybody wants results fast without putting in the effort. People don't want to work hard to lose weight they just want to take a pill. Everybody wants to make money without getting a job. Our denomination has high hopes but may not be ready to pony up the cash and support.

Melissa K. said...

Um...excuse me Roz...not EVERBODY. My butt's in the gym 3-4mornings a week and I am one with a bottle of water and a veggie burger. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to make such sweeping generalizations? :) And I like that you keep saying dumb animals instead of dumb're so PC.

I love our staff. We've all lost our minds...what a terrible thing to lose.