Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wish You Were Here

So much to tell... Of course, today, we are under ice and snow. Won't thaw out tomorrow. Maybe Friday. Anyway, it was a great day. For starters, Glandion Carney is here. I suspect I will blog on this later. He works with Richard Foster adn Dallas Willard; I have wanted to study with him for 9 years. He is here to lead our staff thru some deep spiritual development. So while that was happening, we also had some water laking into the basement from all the rain coming down... so we stopped and got that fixed. The Zoch boys came and shovelled snow. We all ate lunch together. I don't know how to explain this place. There's just always something happening.

There's no power at our house, so we are sleeping at the church. Air mattresses from Room in the Inn. I stopped by some of the elderly folks on our street, to see if they were ok and needed to sleep at the church, but they are all ok. The church what a great place.

O)ne of the things I have been focusing on is thankfulness for the faithfulness of the church-- all the steps and stages that brought us to the place and time where we cna have the ministry we have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That storm was in the national news last week. I haven't heard lately what it's like there but hope you all have your power back now and all are well. Glad you had a safe, warm place to stay--and room for more by the sound of it.