Monday, June 29, 2009

It's Funny How Things Work Out

Nacho Libre is the movie of our life. If you haven't seen it, go now, so we can talk of holy things.

Saturday, we were reminiscing about how the boys called Jessie "Sister Encarnacion."

About a month ago, we had a discussion. What are we going to call her? Not just Jessie. Or other names they have for her. Joe has called her "Mommy" quite a bit. John has been hesitant. For the longest time we thought it was about divided loyalties. But he kind of broke down and said that if he called her "mom" he was afraid something bad would happen to her, too.

He got that out, and now he and Joe both call her "mom," and keep "Mommy" for Melissa.

So back to Saturday. They started singing Jack Black's Encarnacion song, but changed it to "encarnaci-mom."

I had to fight back some tears through hilarious laughter when John said, "Orphans, smile and be happy..."

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