Sunday, February 17, 2008

Prayer Revolution

There is a quiet prayer revolution going on in our church. It has happened without planning. We wanted it, that’s all, The Holy Spirit wanted us to want it, and it came. I can’t say where it started. The obvious break-out was Wednesday evening perhaps a month ago. We found ourselves praying more fervently, singing more powerfully, not wanting to leave. There we were, Africans, Hispanics, Anglos, singing and praying, having a spine-tingling peace descend on us. It has been going on ever since.

But there were earlier signs. You can’t have an altar call every week without serious prayer. So, there were a number of people praying. There are many fasting (our prayer and fasting services have been growing in strength and devotion) as well. And then I find that there are spontaneous prayer meetings cropping up here and there.

We cry out for guidance. I pray that God will break the teeth of the evildoers in our community. We cry out for clean hands and hearts. We seek peace and power. I am not sure what else to say except that it is prayer, prayer as more than formality, prayer as more than devotion to the time and place.

A few years back, the Lord spoke that church leaders would be revealed to me in prayer. Not that I would receive their names, but that they would be the ones who pray. May it be so, that our leaders are prayers.

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