Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow Day

A snow day. The boys are out of school. Could pose a problem, except today is sermon prep day, and it’s easy enough to work with munchkins roaming around. In some ways it makes it easier, makes it real. Like the days when they boys were little, and they would be crawling around my feet, digging through my books on the Fathers. Andres Doimeadios, the new Hispanic pastor’s son, is here, too. Andres and Joe are in the same class at school, and my boys and he are already a goof troop. And maybe it was providential this way: preaching on Isaiah 49, and let’s just say, the boys’ being here brought something out of the Scripture: the goodness of the heart and will of God.

I baked a chicken for lunch. Never done that before, but it turned out ok. I was looking for something better and cheaper than chicken nuggets. Potatoes and carrots in the pan with the chicken. Pretty good. Really good actually. The boys each had seconds.

Some things you can skimp on, others you can’t. No point in buying generic hot cocoa mix. You have to spend for Swiss Miss. That’s a priceless home ec secret you can take to the bank.

We made a snow man early this morning. Carrot for a nose. What for the eyes? How about Ricola elderberry vitamin C supplements? Note to self: vitamin C and water form an exothermic reaction. There were two purple-streaked hollows where the eyes were. A right scary snowman.

There are so many weird things people say to me that I then think, “That needs to be on the blog.” But then I forget. Sorry. I wish I could share with everyone the weirdness that coalesces around me. I myself am normal. It’s just the people around me.


maggie said...

i think that you should write about the time that your jerk of a neighbor made you pick up her frozen toilet from her backyard, which resulted in much blood spewing from your finger. or the time that you drove by that same neighbor's house as she was yelling into the trunk of laura's car, and about 5 minutes later you were in the trunk with laura trying to break into her car. just a thought.

Allen said...

swiss miss...oh no..i need to bring you some colombian hot chocolate stuff.

John Crissman said...

It is always them and not you. Yeah, right!
